the gameplay is really good! but a lot of the core features from previous titles being removed such as advanced entrances, countless moves nowhere to be shown, no new match types, a lot of no brainer superstars should’ve been in the game too i.e paige, the Bellas, mankind, more NXT talent, etc etc has truly rubbed me the wrong way. Like I said the gameplays good but I just feel completely underwhelmed and let down and that’s even with the nba series too, these games have become so stagnant as far as storylines in your supposed career modes they’re far too repetitive the same old copy paste bs we need something fresh and with that, I do hope wwe goes to a new developer/studio to put these games out I refuse to buy anything from 2k after this title. Not to mention it’s really been 3 years and the game crashes when you download community creations.