Please don't post any bad reviews about this movie until you read this first......
Remember this is someone's art telling a story which has a very important message. If the movie made you feel from your heart, it touched a nerve of emotion, maybe gave you that lump in your throat, or that sensitive soul inside of you let tears roll down your cheeks in the dark.......that is why it was made the way it was made.
The whole goal of this movie by Mel Gibson himself is to make people aware and not only care but to help fight this inhumane worldwide disgusting problem and to save every person they can before it's too late.
So please if you have any negative reviews about this movie keep it to yourself because you're missing the point. Nobody has ever made a movie that I can recall about this worldwide problem except Mel so just be polite by being quiet.
If you can tell the story better then make your own movie. We need your support because this is just not a movie it's a cause. To do good! So are you a helper or a hurter. Only a hurter would make a negative comment and a helper would leave a positive comment because they know the message is to make people aware. Thank you much appreciated with all due respect please decide which one you are before leaving a review.