Having played nearly every souls game (All dark souls, sekiro, demon souls, blood borne and nioh 1). Elden ring has took the aspects of the other soul game and developed on it making it mizayaki’s masterpiece and one of the greatest game I have ever played. The boss AI is amazing and the graphics are flabagasting but there still is the fun of farming souls/runes and becoming strong. Elden ring still has the challenge a classical souls game and has a huge variety of builds to choose from (my fav is bleed scavenger curved sword). The knew features and open world has changed my game play and has some of the funnest but hardest bosses to fight (Malenia and Maliketh). Aswell as a huge variety of attack styles.
However I think that the horse fighting should be developed. The platforming should be worked on and armour should be upgraded or have special abilities. Also being able to upgrade torrents levels as in the late game torrent is one shotted by any attack basically. They should give torrent special attacks like fire breathing as he levels up.
In conclusion Elden ring is a masterpiece.