If you haven't seen this yet, GO SEE IT! Your expectations of who he is at the beginning may not be the same at the end. We went to the more expensive theater because of the show times and usually I complain that a movie wasn't worth the price of tickets, popcorn, drinks, etc. One of us always goes for popcorn and drink refills at least half way thru cuz a movie hasn't grabbed us like we'd hoped. My expectations were that it would be an ok movie and another movie not worth the prices. This movie shattered my expectations! Non stop adrenaline. There's a little of everything from action to drama to suspense to possibly horror, depending on what you envision horror to be. My favorite part of the entire movie is the reason behind why he (trying not to reveal anything important and I apologize if I do) started the whole thing. So much happens as a result that it literally kept both my wife and I glued to our seats. No refills until the movie ended when we ALWAYS get refills midway through. It's a little more than an hour and a half long, but this is one movie that you wish lasted longer. Very well made movie. Great storyline. Great plot. Just great. This is a movie where a sequel would be awesome, but at the same time you don't want one because it'll be damn near impossible to beat or even meet how badass this movie was. I'm a harsh critic with movies and will point out everything wrong with them while watching them. There were only a couple scenes that were a tad unbelievable or unrealistic seems a better word. Just like every action movie, with the worst part being one I hate from every action movie EVER! What is it? When multiple machine guns shoot out a car's windows and pump the car full of holes through the driver's door without a scratch on the driver...unrealistic. However, that being said, they did an excellent job with how they made the chance of being shot minimal, which you never see. So watch for it. All in all, I have it sitting at a good 9.5/10. YOU MUST SEE THIS MOVIE! BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR IN MY HUMBLE OPINION! If you hate this movie, then you must be from a society of people that only live with no tv or electricity, live off the land primarily, and spend every night with the good book...i'm not gonna name any group of people, but y'all get what I'm saying. This movie really is for everyone of age to enjoy. Y'all can thank me later. Only regret is that we waited this long to see it. I'll be renting it when REDBOX has it for sure, which i haven't done since "Sicario" came out. So, enjoy everyone! Tell me your thoughts and opinions after watching it. Would love to see what others thought! ✌