When film critics complain about the violence in this film but are the same to promote films like John Wick, it seems apparent that the comfortably numb prefer not to be told about the sudden death of enemy A. They prefer enemy A was just another NPC in a Call of Duty game that merely was just a hurdle for the protagonist to get over. Whereas in Joker, enemy A is a human being. A character. Someone you don't expect to be harmed. Their sudden and shocking death sends overwhelming signals to the comfortably numb brains of these film critics. They cry too violent.
Good. This film has been able to show the truth of what real violence is. It's subtle, unexpected and doesn't linger afterwards. It merely happens and moves on. Just like life and death itself.
The film is a cinematic masterpiece that makes you emotionally invested from the first scene. It makes you feel. There are no right or wrong ways to feel about the film. The fact it evokes any emotion is something that should be noted. Finally a DC movie, a comic book based movie, that has you feel for characters, relate to the circumstances, and learn something about the world we live in that no other superhero film has managed to do to date.