The show being discussed is an absolute trainwreck. It is devoid of any humor or moral value, despite being a comedy. The workplace culture it depicts is one of absolute toxicity, where people have no regard for respect or even basic human decency.
Every character in the show is depicted as a spineless people pleaser. Nichole Sakura's character is portrayed as mind-numbingly stupid, Dina's character is insufferably rude and self-absorbed, and Garret's character is just plain indifferent. Mateo's character is fine, Jonah's character is nothing more than a spineless Amy-pleaser, and Amy's character is a chronic people-pleaser.
The only positive aspect of the show is the occasional use of tasteful background music. But a show that lacks any moral value, fails to impart any wisdom, and completely disregards the hurt emotions of others is an utter waste of time and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.