Awesome stories that really touched my heart......It takes you in a fantacy world, where different nuances of love and love stories are presented.One would really imagine which one could be theirs if didn't had any yet or could relate with one if they had already. It showed many shades of love not only just binding to present type of love stories which starts with crush and ends with sex. Every story showed you a different side of love and how a true lover would have reacted in those
situations.Though some I thought could have had a different ending like "The Strangers" one. Although most of the stories in India end like that. And many of the stories were too sad to digest especially the story in which wife made her husband to eat poison, it was really sad. But there were lot of sweet and adorable stories too which one would really want to be their's. But the one which was really thrilling and going mad was "Divine Union" I JUST LOVED IT, though I know it's not true.Only problem I had was in every story the man falls only for a BEAUTIFUL woman except one, that too ends in bad way, lol. Ok, I think I'm becoming a spoiler now, so I would like to conclude here.