Read: Catalina de Erauso, Lieutenant Nun, Ch 1-10 - attached
Reference the moment below and draw out your reading of the language offered through the particular lens
of Fluid Sexuality?
While staying with Diego de Solarte:
...he told me I should think about making my living elsewhere, the reason being that there were two young
ladies in the house, his wife's sister, and I had become accustomed to frolicking with them and teasing themone in particular, who had taken a fancy to me. And one day, when she and I were in the front parlor, and I
had my head in the folds of her skirt and she was combing my hair while I ran my hand up and down
between her legs, Diego de Solarte happened to pass by the window, and spied us through the grate, just as
she was telling me I should go to Potosi and seek my fortune, so the two of us could be married...(17)