The one thing I was hoping for was something different, and even that let me down. How do you turn a beloved children’s story into a horror movie? Not like this. (Mild spoilers)
The introduction offers an odd and implausible explanation of the events that are about to unfold, which requires the viewer to suspend their disbelief completely, right out of the gate. This is a big ask even with great writing. No risk of that here.
The character development is paper thin and the viewer has no real investment in any of them, outside of the obvious “fellow human in trouble” reaction.
The acting is atrocious. People literally just stand around waiting to die. No survival instincts whatsoever. The final character survives by happenstance, through no real effort of their own.
Many scenes are almost frame for frame recreations of other films, specifically the Halloween franchise. Halloween (1978), Halloween 4, and H2O all are paid homage to/shamelessly ripped off depending on your views. Plus the villains are virtually unkillable, again, Halloween.
Are we to believe that a young woman in the UK actually legally owns a large caliber pistol (albeit with only one functional round, apparently)? Do you know what a huge pain this would be to obtain/maintain?
Conclusion: barely watchable gore with no story and and ending that will make you mad. Do better next time, filmmakers.