Yes, the movie is a mess. The problem is the casting of two comedic actors - one miles better than the other - in a really dark, uncomfortable film. Because the premise is odd (a sort-of avalanche brings out the best and worst in the couple) an audience unfamiliar with the story expects laughs. There are none. The film is relentlessly grim. It may be the story of a marriage falling apart, or it may be the story of a couple who will stick it out no matter what, or it may be the story of a couple surrounded by uncomfortable stereotypes (sexy ski instructor, horny concierge who never seems to work, self-absorbed millennial couple). The only thing that gets you through the short film is Julia Louis Dreyfus. In long, meaningful close-ups, she shows she is first and foremost an actress, secondly a comedienne. See it, watch her, and expect nothing.