I am a duly Qualified MD with 27 years of practice in North America, a victim of unjustified medical politics, currentlyjustified by specialist in family medicine by certifying body in 2008 and 2020 and recognised by U.S.A, NZ, Aus, U.K., CANADA, ( essentially- (. internationally)including clinical research publications......as noted by ALLIED ACADEMIA. "92 PUBLICATIONsQualif.:B.Sc., HONS. , B.Sc (TEH.- Pharmaceut.. M.Sc., Pharmacology, M.D,, Psych. Clinical., Consult,, PGME- Canada x 3 rs,, C.C.F.P, L,M..F.C.F,P, A,B.M.S.... cont... Clinical. research-.. ongoing
ANY FALSIFIED reference to a respectable physician will be considered defamatory and subject to legal actions.DR. VINOD CHANDRA TAWAR