I used to like J Lo natural talent and personality in late 90s and early 20s and movies like the wedding planner/maid in manhattan. but recently she seems to be trying so hard to get what exactly?
The main points:
she works so hard doing so many things (good),
She felt she should have had oscar nomination and was told so by many (watching the trailer of hustler i decided not to even watch)
She has not been respected for her talents enough.
Respect is earned, I dont feel she is sincere that she is fighting for any cause or empowering women. shakeera and beyonce half time performances were more appropriate, performing and dancing but not drawing excessive attention to their physical assets (vs. too much of J lo private and uncovered body on these shows; how can you wear all these almost covering nothing suits when performing with your daughter) excessive and obvious sexualization of women just to sell more, that is what it is!. Hopefully she starts respecting her age more, she is more than enough to be respected and liked if she just be herself and not overdo it..