I want you to imagine walking through a post apocalyptic desert with no animals or birds or people around for 20 minutes at a time and not because you felt like exploring but because you have to. Take away any adversity except for trying not to lose your balance (because you have 93 kilograms of “cargo” strapped to your futuristic US postal service attire.) Then your lose your balance and you trip and fall because you fell asleep while playing the game only to awaken to the sounds of someone else’s baby crying, over and over and over . Welcome to death stranding.
So much possibility and so much wasted potential and oh so disappointing. The monotonous and arduous walking with the same repetitive phrases, gate, trips and falls is grueling in a way that makes you want to blow your brains out..but you can’t even do that.
Amazing graphics with talented people starring one of the original Boondocks Saints and even Guillermo Del Torro. You have this beautiful open world concept and an incredibly unique story line but it just lulls you to sleep or leaves you wanting to break your controller as every painful step never really offers you any real lasting fulfillment.
Of course I had read this was voted one of the most boring games ever and I ignored the reviews, so I’m guessing you will too, but don’t say you haven’t been warned.
***Caveat to the above*** I haven’t finished the game and given I am somewhat of a sadist, I am probably going to do in hopes that just maybe, perhaps, I will find or connect with some of the magic that every other reviewer has described.
After about 40 hours of game play however well.. lets just say .. I’m not holding my breath.