woahh!!! it was such a good experience..... laugh, joy, tears, excitement, oh my god it was just AWESOME!!!
I was really excited to go to the movie when it first released in India but screw the tickets ….they were sold out.
And then I went to the movie today, It was the first time i shouted and yelled and was excited in the theatre... there were applauses, cheers which i first time ever witnessed in my life in a movie theatre.
coming to the movie it starts exactly at that second where spiderman far from home ended..
peter is exposed as spider man to the whole world as a villain and faces legal trouble and is constantly followed by the authorities... and then decides to start a new life with MJ and Ned and apply to MIT and do not get admission into the college... Peter then comes to Dr.Strange and asks to fix what Mysterio revealed the world that he is spider man.... Then strange casts a spell(i really don't know the strange name of it). Peter messes up and strange contained the spell and threw spiderman out of the sanctum.
Peter goes to the MIT chancellor and convinces her for a second chance... just then Dr.Otto Octavius comes nd screws up the scene finally he, the lizard, electro, sandman are now in the wizard's dungeon..
Strange finally finds a solution to reverse the spell and send back to their worlds and spidey does not come in terms with strange... and fights with him(finally peter wins).
And peter fixes otto and promises to fix others but then the green goblin turns onto peter and sadly he kills May...(it was really tearful).
while Ned and MJ worry about peter and Ned uses strange's sling ring
and calls peter and guess what peter comes but this time it is *Andrew Garfield*!!!!(oh my god the the theatre was on fire with the yells). and then Ned calls peter again and this time its *Tobey*(again people were not in their seats even me). then the show begins...
it was a really good fight and the box that should reverse the spell was destroyed by the goblin... then peter(tom holland) asks Strange to cast a new spell where everyone would forget who peter parker is... it was a tearful goodbye..
Ahhh!! everyone is back to their respective universes and peter is all alone in a rented apartment and continues his duties as spiderman. he visits may's grave and talks to Happy.
he tries to reconnect with MJ and Ned but takes aback knowing the danger coz of him and his spidey profession. Then the post credits shows us the venom also transported to his universe.
it was so good believe me u would regret if ur not watching in the theatres.... And its the best marvel movie ever!!!!!
And about the actors, Tom Holland totally justified the role and i guess no one else would have been able to to that. bendict was the strict teacher in the film and Jacob and Zendaya were completely in their roles. it was really a fun thrilling joy ride!! enjoy the movie only in theatres