The book revolves around a teenage girl Rasha who was abandoned by her parents to her mad granny. But Rasha courageously get through all her overwhelming pressure. Later Rasha herself admitted her past and move forward with her present. In one word "Rasha"is a breathtaking story with a lot of adventure in a remote village.
"To be or not to be"is the choice that this teen girl had in front of her. In many occasions she dicided to kill herself but she conquered her fear for life amd dicided to move on. This story is a true face of our today's world who doesn't have any commitment to their own relationships even to mother or to daughter. Here both Rasha and her mad granny can be taken as a role model. Where Rasha on one hand and her granny on other.
All around this is one of the most exciting, adventurous and breathtaking story that I had gone through in my life.