I saw this film in theaters, and while I cannot say I didn't enjoy parts of it, the rest of the experience was long and grueling, and overall, a bad time. While I am very biased and have a very particular taste in film (I.E horror films, action movies, sci-fi, etc.) I do have to say that, well, I honestly hate this film, the entire existence of this film does not need to exist, as we already have the original film, when it comes to remakes I am a lot more judgmental as I think that they do not need to exist, however many remakes of films do a lot of things differently such as, the Friday the 13th remake was entirely different from the original film it was reimagining, but this film did the exact same thing that the original was doing, but with some minor details put in and cut out. And of course, I have to mention the elephant in the room which is the race swap. Disney recently has been including minorities and overbearing "woke" themes that don't really need to be there, and while I cannot say for certain, I do have a strong suspicion that Disney is only doing it for the money by trying to appeal to a younger audience as "woke" culture is more present in the younger generation. In conclusion unless you are a diehard Disney fan or someone who is generally interested in this film, i suggest you don't waste your time and money, and don't see it.