I did not enjoy the game whatsoever the first moment i got it i was super excited when i booted it up i would play a few rounds of multiplayer. Then I picked my specialist which my favorite would be reaper when I saw him I was so confused first they made him super bulky his facial looked nothing like the one in black ops 3 and instead of a hand scyth he would carry a giant minigun that looked like it should be on a military hummer and then dont get me started with the random addon piece that allows you to shoot a mini radar that detects only a certain area the character was overall bad. Plus when i played longer i started noticeing that alot of the game had more and more hackers and a bunch of little five year olds talking trash (P.S i grew up playing xbox 360 online and the chats in those games were brutal so it really gives you tougher skin to these trash talkers because only xbox 360 online players know the true meaning of trash talking) and alot of the games people were always gliched into an unreachable area or under the map killing people. One game the whole enemy team was under the map or in walls I wouldnt play this game I soon after stoped playing and gave my game to my little cousin since he always wanted it but i would never play it again this game had worse hackers and map glichers than in call of duty black ops 1-3. I would rate this game a 0 if i could because activision could fix these bugs and hacks but they deside not to so instead i have to deal with these adventure time hacks that send you into the sky on a dog or wall aimbot killshots i would not want anyone playing this game whatsoever. If you are an exsisting player or your new to this game and are just looking into getting a call of duty keep clear of this game and play cold war or the older call of dutys black ops games this one is just full of bugs.