I felt a distinct letdown from the original Black Panther. Not that I expected the sequel to be as phenomenal as the original by any stretch of the imagination. That would have been a true Super Human feat. This continuation of the legacy just seemed to be trying a little to hard (and heavy on the special effects) and less of the natural, spiritual essence that united us and made us all proud of the first movie. I was really disappointed that the storyline pitted ‘persons/nations of color’ against each other. Thankfully, they did stop short of destroying one another and did leave some veiled hope for unity in the next film. The scenes with ‘government agents’ felt largely incongruent when that plot line could have been developed more into the true common foe to unite against. With the post credit reveal however, we can hold out hope for a return to the feeling that made us all love the first Black Panther and want to watch it over and over again. As for this hefty, bloated 2 hour 41 minute version, I’m one and done.