Great show from Netflix ' Hasbro ' Polygon and Rooster Teeth ' an amazing diverse voice cast including Jake Foushee ' Jason Marnocha ' Frank Todaro ' Todd Haberkorn ' Mark Whitten ' Keith Silverstein ' Sophie Isabella and Linsay Rousseau including Shawn Hawkins and Brook Chalmers among various others ' amazing CGI ' Sci Fi story ' epic designs based on the WFC Toyline ' great effects ' great story plot even though a first few episodes are fast paced ' the story later on gets more exciting with epic battles and such ' I know G1 Optimus Prime VA Peter Cullen wasn't really too happy with the show Netflix worked on ' Jake Foushee actually nailed Optimus Prime as Foushee was inspired by Peter Cullen for Optimus ' I highly recommend this Transformers Trilogy to both New and Old Transformers Fans if you wanna see a variety of characters. I sure did enjoy a heck out of a ride for this amazing show.