Nobody understands when you find it difficult to cope with regular daily tasks all they do is complain, scoff, or avoid you. This book can help you understand yourself and the way you think and give you practical advise on how to organise your daily tasks. It not for everyone as its crammed full of information, some based on neurological research. But without backing up the advice this way it would be just another self help book to mindlessly follow and as Daniel might say that may suit you.
I have secondary epilepsy cause by brain damage. I am unable to complete and organise tasks in order this means not being able to cope with entertaining people with a meal as I get the timing wrong and forget things. Last time I had the roast food in the oven too long and it was burnt but the boiled veg was undercooked and I forgot the plates. All my guests continue to scoff at me so, I didn’t want entertain anymore. But, Daniel lets me know why this is happening and how to cope better giving me the confidence to consider entertaining again.