Spoilers ahead: the last of us Part II is an amazing game that shows the struggle between the cycle of violence and the result of it. The game was handled not only perfectly but realistically as well Ellie by the end had realized she was in a cycle of violence and realized it had to end that’s why she didn’t kill Abby. Even if she were to kill Abby Lev would surely go after Ellie continuing the cycle and how “she is left with nothing” at the end of the game was a direct result of her actions. No one is saying that she has nothing for all we know she went back to Jackson and made up with Dina other wise she is looking for a another way for her life to matter. Just as she said her life would’ve mattered if she died in the surgery but Joel prevented it and now she must find a new way for her life to matter which I believe she will I believe the last of us part II Was perfect in every way to simply rate it low because Joel died is being ignorant of how the game truly was the amount of references to Joel and the other game was amazing as well I appreciate and loved the amount of work put into this game