I've watched on and off. It convinces me that a two-person marriage is a FAR superior arrangement. This family has gone through a great deal, and how the children feel is only touched upon, but somehow these issues rise up in the wives through their filters. The result that seems to come together over and over is that Kody is completely oblivious.
The women continually clash with each other, and compete for dominance and resolution while creating more conflict. The result is that they live apart and create their own spaces and domains to be free of the influence of the other wives. I think the care is there, but not a communal or self - sacrificing love. Most of the children have expressed they would not seek a polygamous relationship.
What they have is a giant family business where the father is only consequential in terms of his fatherhood and being a symbolic figurehead. The women control the everything else, and they do so in terms of compromise and a fair amount of sulking. Essentially, it's not ONE family, but four families with ONE family business.