This is an independent movie with human drama, along with how real chefs and food industry runs. It has a lot of human aspect, including the meal, food, and taste, as well as wine aspect, and why people try to make restaurants fancy. But in the end, it's about being authentic of yourself - foo d and how it feels to us. Food can bring memories, feelings and thoughts.
IT's a slow movie, but there are some human aspect and drama that are especially well played. It's a great movie to understand real life of chefs, and how far they will go to buy great ingredients - dirty and illegal they maybe. But if you have special memory of food or bond with an animal, this will feel different to you.
Imagine if your loved dog or cat or animal you fed for years suddenly disappear. You lived along with it for years. You feel empty, sudden solemnness. Yeah, Pig is just an animal, but sometimes, people will put emotion bond on different animals because you shared part of your life memory with it. Just remember - People feel different about animals, but respect their memories. And life is, as you feel and think, everyday.
This movie is worth the time. That's all I can say.