So far lots of deviations from the books, but I’m enjoying the story so far. From a purely sci-fi aficionado’s perspective it’s cinema level quality with good pacing, good story, and high production value. Given the size and scope of this epic story I feel we may lose a lot in terms of character development that was so eloquently accomplished by the books. This I’m already seeing with Hari, Raych, Gaal, Demerzel, and especially Dors Venabili whom is among one of my favorite characters from the books and sadly…(I won’t spoil this element for those who haven’t watch yet as the story seems to be taking place at a later time in Hari’s life which probably has a bearing on Dors). Needless to say it’s different, but well done. I intend to be an avid viewer of this series regardless-ITS FOUNDATION!