this was one of the wrost remakes like ever they pretty much got rid of everything that made mulan amazing and as a kid i remember the certain parts that loved like when mulan was picking out her fake name and mushu the dragon helped her and he was really funny but the took him out for the moive “to be more realistic” so that pretty much took all of my favorite moments and the comdey and on top of that they replace mushu with this weird bird that only cones in the scene to fly around and leave and remember when i said they wanted to make it realistic well they add this legot witch that turnd into a flock of birds or one bird and they also make it to where mulan already knows how to fight at the age of 8 like what the heck that removes all the character development and they also removed mulans lover and missed the chance to impress the bi community and then they have some moments were it gets intense but nothing ever happeneds so overall this was a good moive but its not the moive of mulan like at all