-Captures the HP lovecraft inspired story incredibly well while maintaining originality.
-Gameplay mechanics are well engineered and extremely punishing as well.
-Chalice Dungeons are an infinite content source.
-Insanely difficult in a good way.
-The soundtrack is beautifully composed.
-most Npc's and boss storylines are fully fleshed out and mastered
-DLC did not dissapoint at all, actually the DLC is one of the best experiences ive had in my entire life of gaming (ludwig took me more than 120 tries i think)
- Level Design is well structured.
-The game rewards the observative player.
In conclusion, Bloodborne is a masterpiece, just like its sisters(the souls franchise). Highly immersive and difficult.
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"- HP lovecraft