I appreciate the attempt to bring the perpetrator to justice and pierce the veil of protection surrounding him provided by his fame and wealth. Rich famous people whose work we loved and grew up with can be sexual predators and this series makes the case for this one. I get why the creators didn't want to give voice to the parts of the story that cast the victims in a bad light, but I think it comes across as very much a polemic. I guess there's a place for that. Personally, I would have liked to hear Mia Farrow explain why she stirred the pot with her tweet about the dubious parentage of son Ronan. It would not have undermined my sympathy for her, nor my support for Dylan. I think it would strengthen the argument for those "undecided" (=just don't want to believe it) in the audience. Also it was repetitive and could have covered the story more economically.
I was prompted to review the series, however, to say that I feel that it is as much a commentary on and revelation of adoption, race, national identity and class as it is about the devastating impacts of sexual abuse by those who until recently have been able to act with impunity.