You can't spoil anything this bad, but, for the readers' sake, MINOR SPOILERS. First off, I'm a huge fan of the series, even when it did taper off some with the film preceding this one. But this....mother of so bad. So I think we all went in having a relative expectation of what this movie was likely going to be. Neo, Trinity, Morpheus reunited in a secretly love-driven, martial arts, world warping-science fiction-reality-bending adventure. You'd be wrong. Beyond the initial, and frankly overzealous use of "inclusion" characters, this is yet another "woke" disaster film. As expected, the main characters, namely Reaves and Moss, do their absolute best to be the glue that keeps the whole thing moving. Mateen (Morpheus) seemed lost, and I'm partial to his acting typically. Most of the cast struggled with the same problem. It's as if no auditions were held to see who would best "fit" the role of each character. The core of the movie had hope, but from cheesy agents, lackluster effects, ill-casted characters, and an obnoxiously incoherent storyline, this, sadly to say, is a dumpster fire both in and outside of the Matrix.