The fact of the matter is, much of Christianity is still very young. The Bible says the Kingdom of God is like the mustard seed, starts very small and then grows. It may take thousands of years before the Kingdom reaches its full size. That is proven by this book. The churches were wrong at the Council of Nicea. However, there were few books or scholars then. The printing press was not invented until over 1000 years later. The decisions of the early church were political and made via power politics and not through interpretation of the Bible. And those errors were maintained by force, not through conviction. Wilson has made the best to date, proof of the oneness of God and proven the error of the Trinity doctrine, which is heresy. The Reformers only started the Reformation. The Reformation is far from over. Thanks to the internet, change is happening a little faster than before. Much of the church is just plain stubborn and refuses to change. But God has blessed the church with teachers like John Wilson and this book.