The gameplay is really good and the storyline is really accurate because it's obviously the anime in a game. But the worst part about this game are the online matches because people always to those "comeback win" if you are a gamer you know what I'm talking about. If you are a giant Simp or virgin between 16 to 40 years old you will do very well in online matches. I'm sick and tired of the online matches because I can't make a recovery while getting hit but everyone else can make a recovery move. That is the reason why I don't do online matches if anyone who plays MK or Injustice already know what I'm talking about. Online matches always suck because there are a carp ton of cheaters and I had it when my opponent has a random white aura body thing for recoveries and the yellow or red thing. Instead of making yellow and red aura things and just have clashes from injustice to determine who will attack and who will fall. So I give it a 1 out of 5. Everytime I play unranked matches I always end up playing against a pro gamer and I always close my application because I don't want to suffer more than I suffered and when I do ranked matches it's the same thing, too.