This is leftist propaganda BS. Blaming past Republican leaders and talking only on points that paints the right wing party as failures and malicious. It does nothing to address Democratic party machines failing to address major societal issues plagging inner cities. Or how the left wing's war on oil has left the US vulnerable to global events and as a result we are now headed for a recession. I work hard, make around 50K a year. Now this red blooded American is barely able to make ends meet with gas at $5+ a gallon and inflation, home insurance doubling, etc. Frankly, I am tired of being force fed lies by those attempting to win 'hearts and minds' through media manipulation, controlling social media platforms, and attempting to sway popular opinion through propaganda pieces disguised as educational workings of our government.
I did manage to watch this entirely and please believe me when I tell you purpose is to condition viewers to believe that Republicans are to blame for everything. The 4th episode they start with the blame game. Then by the 5th episode you have the full blown blame game...going back to Ronald Reagan (the forefather of the modern Republican).
“Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.” ― Ronald Reagan. I really wish this man was alive to help us today.