Louder, poppy, sloppy, and unfocused, “Halfway To Sanity” shows the band trying to cram in as much variety as possible while completely forgetting to make an enjoyable album in the process. Whether it be the weird jabs at hard metal or going full 60s bubblegum pop, this album doesn’t have any idea of what it wants to be, since nothing flows well whatsoever. What’s worse is that the execution of both genres don’t really hit their mark. That’s not to say there aren’t any good songs on here, as there are a few decent ones, but none of them are necessarily brilliant by any means. In fact, some may come off as more stupid than anything else, since the guitars can be way too soft to be metal in a few songs, yet Joey still screams over them. Doesn’t help that the song writing, overall, is just sloppy. Even the best songs here don’t come close to the creative heights that made their older songs such classics. All in all, this shows the band in need of something new, since there’s simply little to no focus here, whatsoever. And, if you mix that with the bad structure, strange production that only works with about half of the album, and material that never goes beyond good, but not great, which is still somewhat rare, what you’ve got here is a huge mess that’ll drive anyone all the way to their sanity if they have the misfortune of having to sit through this sloppy and unfocused folly.