7 years for this? What a let down and downgrade from the first part that was a masterpiece.
Couldn’t get attached to any character played, the moment Joel got killed it was boring and unenjoyable, stretching the game making us play another character that no one cares about making us sympathize with her it was very boring going back and forth and in the end elie lost two fingers and came back home?? What a pathetic ending. Trying too hard to push some agendas or something I don’t know, seriously I’m so disappointed because I loved the first one it was a masterpiece, one of the best game I’ve ever played.
Giving Joel a pathetic death the worst death someone can come up with, it was just boring and not enjoyable after that I just wanted to finish the game and it kept disappointing me over and over.
Also the gameplay didn’t change that much despite having 7 years to do better or just make a good story outcome not this ruined sad game.
1/10 and I’m being generous