A lot is lost in the film.
Tom Hardy's skill as an actor is heavily underused.
Dropping everything else the most upsetting thing is that the Character "Venom" is lost as Spiderman was the base for venom and his powers (webbing and wall crawly etc) and most importantly the logo of the spider on his chest.
You could distinguish the "Venom" from others by the logo and it is carried on for multiple characters
derieved from "Venom" there forth.
Here the way "Riot" jumps hosts kills the idea of Symbiote Host bond.
Next important thing Symbiote don't eat their host but sustain them. It's "Poison" who eats the host. Here the entire idea is jumbled up.
The first Host defines a lot about the Symbiote. That aspect is completely dropped in the movie.
It's like venom and Riot are hiding in the entire film as they never appear in a bright background. Like "Steel"(superman) in Steel.
These are some of my first form opinions on the film