I don’t have a problem with people who want to come here but I have a problem when you had that many who will not go through the right way and it hurts are people here people who have been on a list for years to have a home a roof over their heads but getting knocked down the list because they have to let these people have somewhere to live people who need food stamps here can’t get food stamps but yet we have to give them food stamps and I now some people who came here and they don’t work cause they now they have a roof over their heads and food stamps to feed them and to the Real show you have to do your research first if you are going to speak on it I didn’t hear about you speaking on what happened to our border control people who got rocks and bottles thrown on them are you saying it’s ok to let them in if they are trying to Harm are people to get across then what are they going to do once they are over here ? I never hear on how many border control people who got killed in the past because of someone trying to across the border we just can’t let anybody and everybody in here I don’t see other countries letting them in were they put together people who try to overtake are people but I do wish we live in a world were everyone can Live in peace with one another If you read your Bibles like you say you all do then you would know in the last days that there would be false prophet Who would have mega churches but not teach on God’s words but a feel good church In the end they are the ones that has to answer to God