I was so excited to finally see it but now that I have seen it I have mixed feelings.
I was interested in the story but felt no real connection to the characters. Previous Marvel films had really resonated with me and succeeded in telling these compelling stories while increasingly expanding their universe and I was looking forward to the impact Captain Marvel was going to have to this universe. However, the story was a little formulaic and predictable at times and the parts that were supposed to be emotional kind of failed to move me. I really wanted to like the movie since I had been really hyped for it since the after-credit scene in IW but I've seen it twice now and I still feel the same. I love Brie Larson's charisma but when it came to serious or emotional scenes the acting was just kind of bland. She could be absolutely brilliant in one scene and then very stiff in the next. Overall, I'd still recommend watching. It definitely didn't meet expectations but it's not bad and it answered some questions from IW.