I loved Wildlands. Played it though twice and enjoyed it more the second time. So I really wanted to like Breakpoint. Unfortunately, all of the defining characteristics and unique values that gave the series it’s identity and made it what it was have all been removed. This game is an ugly brew of other Ubisoft titles. A mash up of Assassins Creed and Division gear score and loot box mechanics and micro transactions, jammed into an environment they don’t suite and aren’t wanted. This is Odyssey with a re-skin. The core ‘feeling’ has completely gone - that is feeling like an elite spec ops soldier leading your fire team in tactical ops. Instead, you’re encouraged to scurry around cleared areas to steel dead foes trousers and hats. It’s totally immersion breaking. The map is inherently less interesting than Wildlands and lacks the rich diversity of regions and beautiful scenery. Through most of it you are humping across steep craggy woodland, which your elite soldier continually struggles to traverse. Driving is impossible and pointless because the road system is like a dropped bowl of spaghetti. It removes all desire to explore the map. Mainly because you quickly realise there’s nothing to find! The ‘intriguing locations’ are all just another generic building with a lootbox. It’s a strangely dead and lifeless place, so lacking in character that it comes across as totally unconvincing. This isn’t helped by the appalling tacmap, which is a frustrating, borderline unusable, eyesore. The general interface is also terrible. Inventory management is a tore. Most activities are a tore actually. Hopefully Ubisoft take stock of the negative reviews and release a proper successor to Wildlands, giving us what we actually wanted - updated graphics and animations, a new and interesting real-world setting that isn’t full of irritating drones, more mission variety, an improved squad control mechanic.