Being hit over the head with the series’ dripping symbolism, and Nicole’s Russian /Australian accent blocked my total immersion into the story.
Story dragged, as it did a deep dive into into it’s characters emotional damage. But, David E. Kelley’s big reveals, at the end of each episode, kept me hooked and watching. Speaking of Kelley, what’s up with the biting? In “Big Little Lies” a biting incident was central to the story. David E. Kelley may, or may not have a biting fetish. Either way, TMI.
Once Masha’s background story included her daughter’s sad death, her erratic behavior, breaking protocols and routine drugging of the “Nine Perfect Strangers” visiting Trillium became clear.
Great cast. Good performances. Loved Melissa McCathy, as the romance novelist questioning her talent, and self worth after losing her book deal. To make matters worse, McCarthy fell for an internet scam, and wired $128,000 to an internet lover, whose son just happens to need a life saving operation.
Beautiful scenery and nice design. Show didn’t need 8 hours to tell the story, but it gets there eventuality. Since I had nothing else scheduled for Tuesday-evenings, I watched the hour long segments and generally enjoyed them. Suspension of disbelief is required. I’ll give it 3.5/5 stars.