So, last night I scanned through Netflix’ new additions and trending list, and when I realized I already spent 30 minutes just watching the blurbs, I randomly chose “Don’t Look Up”. It has scientific and astronomy blah that appealed to my geekiness, satire so heavy I was incredulous and annoyed most of the time, epic meltdowns by Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo diCaprio that made me think “wow that must’ve felt good”, the strange chemistry (Jennifer Lawrence and Timothée Chalamet) that pacified me, an unexpectedly beautiful prayer I seldom see in Hollywood scenes, and one of the most courageous facing-death-and-tragedy end scene ever to come out in a movie. Trashy and pop-culture-ish, but thought-provoking and seemingly a square-peg-in-a-hole, it’s a roller coaster you reluctantly ride and come away feeling it wasn’t time wasted.