The animation is stunning, especially the action sequences and the character emotions. Clever and smart humor. Sadly too many fans have made Sonic into a golden calf and this canon got a lot of unwarranted criticism for petty things such as Sonic's arms being blue, Knuckles being too beefy, and the absence of chaos emeralds (even though people complained for years that the chaos emerald were a Dragon Ball Z rip off).
If you're new to Sonic, I recommend Sonic Boom as a great introduction to the series. If you're not one of these butt-hurt fans that needs Sonic to be everything he was in your childhood and you're opened to a different take on the characters, this is worth the watch for sure. Really sad that this fan base has so many haters misrepresenting this show and the number of people who enjoy it. It's very well written, the voice acting is dynamic and nuanced. There's a lot of witty, meta references and great self-awareness in the dialogue. I wish there was a season 3. By the way, start with the "Biggest Fan" episode if you really wanna see just how smart this show was!