I always love Last Of Us for the story and the graphic I even played the game twice, so today is the day that I've been waiting for 7 years and try not looking for other spoilers before playing the game. So without further ado, I will start with the graphic it's really marvelous really makes your breath away and for the gameplay, It's more amazing so many motions that could be done compared the previous one but after playing 2 hours my heart starts to break it's really hard for me to continue the game but somehow I'm hoping there is some twist in the game along the way but the story keeps looping on revenge and what makes it worse I have to use the other character that comes out of nowhere and do some nonsense thing. The story is getting worse when reaching the ending, I can't even reach the message that the writer trying to say. So for me, It will be 2/5 still appreciate the people behind the game except for writer and director. Maybe I'm expecting too much for Naughty Dog or is this game not good as I thought.