It's very revealing that every single 1 star review talks about, bad writing, bad acting , lore breaking, as their reasons for giving 1 star. (Which i agree with)
While every 5 star rating thinks this show is "Amazing" then mentions how everyone who doesn't like it is: "sexist, racist and toxic, male, old, and white.
This is very telling
Revealing Who is really doing the "review bombing".
I have yet to see a comment or video review critical of this show say anything about, race, or gender having anything to do with their low opinion/rating of the show.
On the contrary, they are quite clear they do not care about any of this as long as its not at the cost of the story.
Having diversity in a show does not give you an automatic pass !
Using it as a weapon, or a shield is sexist, racist And demeaning.
The Director and writers are the very definition of "projection".
This is how they think, act, and behave, so they think everyone is this way.
Disney is toxic, racist, and sexist. They can throw all the LGBTQ, women, and ethnicity they want into their content, but it's plain to see their over compensation, and desperation.
Disney is the: "some of my best friends are black/gay".