I have been a huge fan of this show (along with football). But, this year, I'm getting more & more discussed with Michael Strahan! He is annoying AND changes the subject EVERYTIME one of the other guys is talking about the Dallas Cowboys. I'm sick of him (Michael). He makes pointless comments, too. I did NOT miss him the 2 weeks he was gone recently. Honestly, the show was better without him. He's a jealous big whin baby! 😟 Boohoo, The Cowboys didn't want you, get over it already! You got a chance & did good (not great) with another team. Too bad it wasn't with a team that won the Super Bowl 5 times AND a team that now sucks Big Time! You make yourself look like an idiot up against mature, confident men, like your co-hosts. Pls, Pls get rid of Michael Strahan...he's bringing the other guys down. AND other viewers...STOP putting down my fav Terry! We all will get older & not as sharp, but none of us fans will ever have the record as a great quarterback, that Terry Bradshaw has! PLUS, like him or not, He's got Honesty, Fun, Knowledge, and a good heart going for him! Unlike that blow-hard Michael Strahan! So show Terry some respect ya'll!
There you go. Mimi is over & out!