I was very disappointed in the CTV coverage of Chick Fil A Opening in Kitchener. Most of the report was about LGBTQ. What happened covering the Opening of the New Location and the people that waited for hours to be the first in line for the opening? Or covering about what number this Chick Fil A is in Canada ? Or of it’s history. I find it so sad that you covered a minority. A few people that were protesting which was avout 10 people compared to the hundreds if not thousands who waited patiently in line to have some good delicious food. I was there and know what a minority there was. Our society has gone in a sad direction focusing on such a minority. Very sad on CTV news report, Shame on You !!! When watching the Coverage you thought it was about LGBTQ not about Chick Fil A Opening :(. I hope this opens some eyes to how sad CTV news covers a story.