I'm a huge Diablo fan, I've played the original D2 and a majority of my diablo experience was on Diablo 3 from the beginning. With the coming of a fourth installment I was beyond excited and as with many games that hit you with a nostalgic sense of hype, my expectations were high.
I played the beta and now the actual game and the first few hours of leveling were fun. The combat and the game in general have more weight in comparison to Diablo 3, but I like the change and it feels like what you do matters. Timing your dodges is important which make it feel "challenging" in some sense for lack of a better word. However, there are a number of caveats that limit this game's potential, and that is the dry boss fights with little to no knowledge, or challenge necessary. It's as simple as dodge, attack, dodge, repeat. If a boss hits hard that is your only obstacle, because the game is essentially just a dps race with little strategical effort needed.
Couple that with harsh 1:1 enemy scaling and very slow gear progression and you're left feeling like playing the game is a chore as opposed to a fun experience. The game does open up after the first fifty levels, but the arduous journey to get there may just be enough to push players away who spend more hours invested in the long and tedious grind as opposed to partaking in end game content.
Overall, it does feel like a Diablo game, it retains it's fidelity and adds a few changes, but there are certainly adjustments that need to be made in order for the game to feel complete. At a minimum of $70, I would have expected more, so I'm hopefully optimistic for potential updates and to see where this game goes from here.