All my friends complain about how hard this game is, and I cry inside. One of my friends called Rito "Rita", and another the Zora "Zoro". Besides that, it's easily my top game, right in front of Cuphead and A Link To The Past. My God the graphics are beautiful, they remind me of Pokemon Arceus but actually good. The only thing I want is a little more story. Sure, the DLC adds plenty, but it could use elements Alttp and Odyssey used, with evolving story as you go. I LOVE all the koroks using designs from windwaker, and all of the references the game is chock full of. One thing I don't mind that people hate : climbing in rain. It's realistic, and I feel that's an effect the designers wanted to have. Even though I finished everything (besides the koroks, which keep me playing) I roleplay. One last thing, or two, chopping grass is fun, and I loveeeee jumping off cliffs seeing how much damage I'll take, tho you have to find something tall enough because of the ten Links height rule.