Naughty dog definitely took some pages out of Uncharted 4 for this one. Gameplay wise, it has vastly improved in depth from the original, there’s a new layer of hight in encounter - climbing on buildings, going underwater or crawling under trucks / in grass. Enemies are less predictable and more threatening which really forces you to think about how to play in an encounter. I love the process of strategically placing traps in places enemies will walk, sniping with explosive arrows to take out groups, and using smoke bombs to rush a patrol. Gun fights still occur because you will mess up eventually and be found out, but you’re able to escape by using the environment and the tools to your disposal to your advantage. Infected are more intimidating than the prior game too, and they interact more often with enemy humans, allowing you to use this to your advantage. I’d recommend playing on a harder difficulty on your first play through, but not grounded. Trust me. Overall the gameplay is really great and a must have for fans of the series or similar.