I have a lot of mixed feelings about this production. I was instantly pulled right out of it by the introduction of a black Hermione. Everyone else looks as you would expect them to from the books or movies, so why would they decide to change Hermione to a black woman? Why not make Harry an Asian guy or Ron a Latino if we’re just going to change it up for zero reason?
The story is entertaining, but full of plot holes. The time travel trope is executed poorly and with the usual cliches of small changes in the past turning into monumental changes to the future.
The effects are very well done and lend themselves well to the story.
There’s an odd scene at the end that’s pretty heavy handed where Harry is basically telling his son it’s ok if he’s gay. Albus’s sexuality has nothing to do with the story, and the way they awkwardly dance around this just pulls you right back out of the story.
Our children enjoyed the performance, so that’s all that matters in the end.