Things I’m mad about:
Despite surviving being impaled, stabbed, shot, and whatever else you’d think about, Joel doesn’t go out with honor, he dies from a gold club. A. Golf. Club.
Joel was the best part of this entire game, being the only character that actually has any growth between Parts 1 and 2, and dies in the first two hours. Not even a self sacrifice, just...dies.
None of the characters in this game are actually good. Abby kills the guy that saved her from the horde of clickers, Dina’s only concern is getting laid and high, and Ellie is nothing like she was in the first game, as if it never even happened.
Dina didn’t die instead of Joel.
edit: new one, that the second game is even canon
Ah yes we’re gonna kill one of the most well known protagonist on PlayStation without giving him a redemption arc
Yet another series where a beloved character is Chosen, and I would just ragequit. It wasn’t a bold decision for the developers to do it, it was just a terrible decision. You literally destroyed what made the first game great.