As the novel proceeded, I was seeing no major development in Tess's character despite the promiscuous and bold acts of breastfeeding her child (which is born out of wedlock) or baptising it and owning it like it was something she has endured and holds it with no second thoughts, but then she is revealed to be not a flat character only when she is left alone all to herself- deserted by Clare. She firmly holds her dissent and her consent is non negotiable no matter what. Alec has annoyed me and made me despise him every time he pops up in Tess's proximity to intimidate her. Nevertheless, Alec can never outshine Angel Clare's pride, self centeredness, shallowness, chauvinism who disregards Tess in every possible way with the belief that he has the right to own a "chaste" woman. Tess is victimised by Alec physically, by Clare , psychologically (when he kept coaxing her for a yes). Everyday male chauvinists dominated us then and so do harass us now. Anyway, Tess's growth as a character and the self assertive vanquisher of her exploiter after a whole phase of distress to seek liberation and break the shackles of male control and intimidation is cathartic. A good read !